
Report generated on 09-May-2023 at 20:24:34 by pytest-html v3.2.0


Packages {"pluggy": "1.0.0", "pytest": "7.3.1"}
Platform Linux-5.15.49-linuxkit-x86_64-with-glibc2.29
Plugins {"anyio": "3.6.2", "html": "3.2.0", "metadata": "2.0.4"}
Python 3.8.10


16 tests ran in 100.38 seconds.

16 passed, 0 skipped, 0 failed, 0 errors, 0 expected failures, 0 unexpected passes


Result Test Duration Links
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.08
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.61
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/integration/ 97.27
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
NETCDF:"/tmp/pytest-of-root/pytest-9/tiffs0/":z [550x679] z (64-bit floating-point) NETCDF:"/tmp/pytest-of-root/pytest-9/tiffs0/":QPE [4x550x679] QPE (32-bit floating-point) NETCDF:"/tmp/pytest-of-root/pytest-9/tiffs0/":z [550x679] z (64-bit floating-point) NETCDF:"/tmp/pytest-of-root/pytest-9/tiffs0/":QPF [40x550x679] QPF (32-bit floating-point) NETCDF:"/tmp/pytest-of-root/pytest-9/tiffs0/":z [550x679] z (64-bit floating-point) NETCDF:"/tmp/pytest-of-root/pytest-9/tiffs0/":QTE [4x550x679] QTE (32-bit floating-point)
------------------------------Captured stderr call------------------------------
Warning 1: dimension #1 (time_bounds) is not a Longitude/X dimension. Warning 1: dimension #0 (time) is not a Latitude/Y dimension. [2023-05-09T20:22:55.580] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - ERROR - Exception: Band number not found for attributes: {'GRIB_ELEMENT': 'APCP01', 'GRIB_COMMENT': 'precipitation', 'GRIB_UNIT': '[kg/(m^2)]'} [2023-05-09T20:22:58.265] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - ERROR - RuntimeError: not a string [2023-05-09T20:22:58.468] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - ERROR - RuntimeError: not a string [2023-05-09T20:22:58.487] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - ERROR - RuntimeError: `/workspaces/cumulus-geoproc/fixtures/nbm-conus/' not recognized as a supported file format. [2023-05-09T20:22:59.073] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - ERROR - RuntimeError: not a string [2023-05-09T20:22:59.091] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - ERROR - RuntimeError: `/workspaces/cumulus-geoproc/fixtures/nbm-conus/' not recognized as a supported file format. [2023-05-09T20:22:59.108] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - ERROR - RuntimeError: `/workspaces/cumulus-geoproc/fixtures/nbm-conus/' not recognized as a supported file format. [2023-05-09T20:24:24.311] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - WARNING - CPLCreateUserFaultMapping(): syscall(__NR_userfaultfd) failed: insufficient permission. add CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability, or set /proc/sys/vm/unprivileged_userfaultfd to 1 [2023-05-09T20:24:24.311] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - WARNING - gunzip "/workspaces/cumulus-geoproc/fixtures/nwrfc-qpe-06h/" and use as source file [2023-05-09T20:24:24.602] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - WARNING - CPLCreateUserFaultMapping(): syscall(__NR_userfaultfd) failed: insufficient permission. add CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability, or set /proc/sys/vm/unprivileged_userfaultfd to 1 [2023-05-09T20:24:24.602] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - WARNING - gunzip "/workspaces/cumulus-geoproc/fixtures/nwrfc-qpf-06h/" and use as source file [2023-05-09T20:24:26.680] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - WARNING - CPLCreateUserFaultMapping(): syscall(__NR_userfaultfd) failed: insufficient permission. add CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability, or set /proc/sys/vm/unprivileged_userfaultfd to 1 [2023-05-09T20:24:26.680] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - WARNING - gunzip "/workspaces/cumulus-geoproc/fixtures/nwrfc-qte-06h/" and use as source file [2023-05-09T20:24:27.072] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - WARNING - CPLCreateUserFaultMapping(): syscall(__NR_userfaultfd) failed: insufficient permission. add CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability, or set /proc/sys/vm/unprivileged_userfaultfd to 1 [2023-05-09T20:24:27.072] {cumulus_geoproc:process} - WARNING - gunzip "/workspaces/cumulus-geoproc/fixtures/nwrfc-qtf-06h/" and use as source file
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.47
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/integration/ 0.99
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/unit/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/unit/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/unit/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/unit/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/unit/ 0.00
No log output captured.
Passed src/tests/unit/ 0.00
No log output captured.